It turns out that all of the hard work from last year paid off for some high school gardeners this fall. Under the leadership of Family and Consumer Science teacher, Mrs. Jennifer Wellington, the girls planned, prepared, planted, and a few stalwarts even came by this summer to water and weed. In July, the gardens were looking a bit wilted at times, but when the Advanced F & CS farmers returned to the garden at the end of August, they were delighted. The harvest was bountiful! The students were so excited that some of them ran around the school showing the produce to those who had shared in the work. One kept saying “I’m so happy” and another couldn’t quit smiling. One of the students took the lead on researching and planning for preserving and canning the produce to be used throughout the year for the Stone Soup project with Elementary students and in their FCS classes. Shown here are the three senior gardeners: Theresa Dando, Tori Brown and Katie Salsgiver.