Ryan Parrett, Valedictorian, is the son of Randall and Jane Parrett of Marienville. He plans to attend Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport studying Forest Technology. Ryan is a member of the National Honor Society, FCCLA, Varsity Club, President of Student Council and President of the Mini Relay for Life Club. He is an Eagle Scout, member of the Marienville Volunteer Fire Company and United Methodist Church. At the recent Awards Day Ceremony, Ryan was awarded DAR Good Citizen Award, Sen. Scott Hutchinson Good Citizenship Award, Lenna Chips Citizenship Award, Male Athlete of the Year Award, Presidential Education Gold Award, Lions Club Scholarship, Katie M. Edmondson Memorial Scholarship, Marsha L. Beichner Memorial Scholarship, Floyd E. & Anna E. Carbaugh Memorial Scholarship, Butch Hulings Memorial Scholarship, Boys Soccer Scholarship, EF Alumni Scholarship, Sports Booster Scholarship, William E. & William D. Snyder Memorial Scholarship, Russell M. Smith Scholarship, Arthur VanNort Memorial Scholarship, Forest Co. Taxpayers Assoc. Scholarship, EF Faculty Scholarship and the Sandy Cochran Fund Scholarship.
Shelby Nelson, Salutatorian, is the daughter of Amy Nelson of Marienville, and Richard Nelson. She plans to attend Clarion University majoring in Secondary Education Biology. Shelby is a member of the National Honor Society, Student Historians, and Student Council. She is a Highest Honor Student in the Top 25 Academic Students. During the Awards Ceremony at East Forest she received the English Award, Floyd E. & Anna E. Carbaugh Memorial Scholarship, EF Alumni Scholarship, Lions Club Scholarship, Sen. Scott Hutchinson Good Citizenship Award, Forest County Taxpayers Association Scholarship, and the Presidential Education Gold Award.